People who are considering hair transplantation must be examined and planned by doctors specialized in hair transplantation.

During the examination, the structure of the existing hair in the area to be transplanted and the structure and density of the hair in the donor area are examined, and as a result, it is calculated how much hair follicle transplantation the person needs and how many grafts can be taken from the nape area. Operation planning is made accordingly.

During the general examination, it is checked whether the person has a previous or ongoing illness or health problem. It is checked whether there is an obstacle to hair transplantation or a condition that threatens general health.

The person’s hair structure, hair color, hair strand thickness, frequency in the donor area, the degree of hair loss, whether the hair is curly or straight, and even the color of the scalp are important.

All these analyzes are the most important issues affecting the success of hair transplantation. Examination, planning and transplantation planning should be done by taking these factors into consideration.

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